Individual Counselling

In general the chances to be successful with an ERC or Marie Curie application is around 10 % - the chances for myself and my colleagues at the Max Planck Institute were 40 % or better. Why? Because our science was excellent, we understood the system and we used an internal pre-evaluation service. In short: we were not too shy to ask for help. And having been an evaluator myself I was tasked with giving advise and doing pre-evaluations.
One of my biggest problems then (and today) was (is) to make my colleagues (now clients) realize that a funding application is VERY different to a scientific paper! It helped that they knew me personally - and thus today I try to initiate a counselling by sitting down with a potential customer and create a personal relationship, establish trust (discretion is self-evident). Fortunately most of my clients have already a basic understanding after attending one of my seminars.

There are several types of individual counselling:

1. "Light": typically for students and postdocs with no clear idea what they really want. Roughly two weeks before the session the client sends me the completed 2-page preparation sheets together with a CV. After some thoughts at home I meet with the aspirant for a consulting discussion of about 30-60 minutes. Typically this is done as part of a seminar day  - for "stand-alone" meetings the cost is about 80 - 100 € (more if I have to travel).

2. "Normal": typically for postdocs or junior research group leaders with a rough idea or already rejected applications. Roughly two weeks before the session the client sends me the completed 2-page preparation sheets together with a CV and the complete rejected application (DAAF, DFG, MSCA, ERC, etc).  After some thoughts at home I meet with the customer for a consulting discussion of roughly 1 hour, most of the time followed by an e-mail / skype exchange. Again this can be initiated as part of a seminar day or as "stand-alone" meetings (costs roughly 150 €). 

3. "Intensive":  typically for (junior) team leaders with a solid idea and rejected or planned applications. Again, roughly two weeks before the session the client sends me the completed 2-page preparation sheets together with a CV, the rejected or largely finished draft of a new application (most of the time Marie Curie or ERC StG, CoG).  After some thoughts at home I meet with the customer for a counseling session of roughly 1-3 hours, most of the time followed by an e-mail / skype exchange. This takes too much time to execute as part of a seminar day - but please note the possibility to have "consultancy vouchers" described elsewhere. Cost depending on complexity 200 - 300 €.

4. "Coaching 1":  preparation of an ERC StG, Marie Curie, or DFG scholarship application. Includes "intensive" conversation plus several contacts by telephone and e-mail until the final submission. With this I usually get applicants either to success or at least into the second stage (interview) of the procedure. Only individually, cost either by hourly rate or flat rate (usually between 450 - 750 €).

5. "Coaching 2": preparation of an ERC CoG or AvH application. Includes "intensive" conversation plus several contacts by telephone, skype or e-mail to the final submission. With this I usually get applicants into the 2nd stage - here are the chances 1: 3 (and the rest depends on scientific excellence and an eventual interview). Only individually, cost either by hourly rate or flat rate (usually between 600 - 900 €).

6. "Coaching 3": preparation of an ERC AdG application. Contains more "intensive" discussions with the applicant and his coworkers, plus numerous contacts by skype and e-mail to the finished submission. With this I usually get applicants in the 2nd stage -here the chances are 1:3 (and the rest depends on the great idea, excellence and the whim of the subject evaluators).
Only individually, handled on an hourly basis, the size of costs is between 1500 - 2500 €. It really is the supreme discipline, but for two of my recent clients, who now receive 2.5 M €, this was well worth it.

7. "Interview training": preparing a scientist (or a group of scientists) for the 12 - 15 min interview in Brussels as part of an ERC StG or CoG application having reached the second stage of an application. Similar in structure to the (ministry-paid) training offered for German candidates by KoWi (or institutions like the Max Planck Society) - but more intensive and with follow-up contacts by skype or e-mail.    

A question I encounter once in a while:  am I "counselling" or "consulting"?  According to the dictionaries
"counselling" means:     direction or helpful suggestions regarding a decision or future course of action;
                                    the act of exchanging opinions and ideas; advice or guidance, especially as solicited
                                    from a knowledgeable person; private, guarded thoughts or opinions.
"consulting" means:      get or ask advice from; advise professionally; seek information; take into account;
                                    to exchange views.

           Personally I prefer "counselling"...